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Animal Welfare Complaint
Check a Business USDA License Status
Who We Are
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Animal Welfare Complaint
This form is linked to the USDA Animal Welfare Complaint System, any information input into this form will direct and forward to the USDA Inspection Service.
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Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Details of complaint
In the box below, please give a detailed description of your concern. The types of information that would be helpful to us include: the date of the incident; the type(s) of animal(s) present; the behavior of the animal(s); the condition of the animal(s); the condition of the facility; the actions of the person with the animals; the location of the incident; etc.
Name of USDA licensee/registrant (if known)
USDA license/registration number (if known)
Can we contact you if we need additional information?
Yes, please contact me.
No, I would like to remain anonymous.
You can choose to remain anonymous; however, providing your contact information will provide Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)' Animal Care staff a way to contact you if we need additional information. Animal Welfare records are located in a Privacy Act System of Records which requires Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to provide the licensee access to his or her own records. Please be aware that if you choose to provide your contact information, the licensee will have access to your complaint and your identity if a Privacy Act request is submitted by the licensee.